Friday, November 5, 2010

How I Entered Into The World Of Network Marketing

I was always looking for a way to earn an income , not just a normal salary type thing, but a potentially substantial income , and be able to do it from home, my own personal reasons, i think i was going through a self-discovery phase or mid-life crisis if you want to call it that. I had just finished reading the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad!”

Reading the book ignited a spark and led to the book “Cashflow Quadrant!” The one overwhelming statement that kept repeating was “Take Action!”…

…Taking action is one of the first steps to eliminating procrastination!

In both books it talked about getting an education in business…

…And there in the book Cashflow was “attend a network marketing seminar to learn about its business system!”

Like most people I had looked into MLM – Network Marketing, when I was younger. But, I had alway rejected it. I had always seen it as a “Pyramid or Ponzi Scheme!”

Yet, as I educated myself, and found out just how many business actually utilized this method I realized that I had based this opinion on someone else’s preconceived notions!

I took the plunge and jumped in with both feet. I was going to find a network marketing company, with a great education plan! I did my research, talked with quite a few people, and I joined a company…

What happened was…

…The education I received from the first company I joined was not even close to what I expecting and wanted! So it was off to the next company.

When I thought I had finally found the perfect company and joined, I asked a question of my new up-line leader and…

…I can still hear the words resonating in my head! I asked what I thought was a very simple question, “how do we generate sales for our products and services?”

I was bluntly told don’t worry about that! It was then that I knew that I had not only chosen the wrong company but the wrong sponser as well!

This nagging feeling was creeping in, “the feeling that I had just wasted my first two years in network marketing following the wrong advice!”

Advice that led to me spend thousands of Euro's on products, marketing, seminars, and one training or lead generation system after another with little to show for it!

It dawned on me one day, what was really happening, and still happens frequently in network marketing, I was being used and abused, with one up-sell after another!

…To say I was beat-up and disappointed is and understatement!

Still after all the disappointment, I went back and re-read Rich Dad Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrant, and then “The Business School!”

I knew that network marketing works, it was just a matter of finding the right company, and the right system to run my business....... and i Did just that!

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money-That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!

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